reading — motivating bad day quotes from I need something good to read to boost my mental and emotional right now because I think I’m not in a good shape, especially my mental health.
From all those quotes, there’s two that attracts my attention;
There must come a time when your love for yourself becomes more important than your need to hold onto the pain of your past.
Life is short. Stop worrying so much. Have fun. Be grateful. Don’t allow others to bring you down. Life is a lone time offer. Live to your fullest.
Both quotes are from Karen Salmansohn. I think this is a sweet quote ever because it always about love and appreciate ourselves first.
writing — my to-do, shopping and misc stuff I want lists for the next day on the new notebook. I love notebook. Thin or thick ones, dotted, blank or line I love it so much except grid ones because, yeah I just not into it.
Jotted down anything I want and can on my notebook gives me a positive vibes, all the money I used to purchased all those notebooks are definitely my goodness choice I made.
listening — Upin & Ipin laugh. I’m not sure which episode is but I don’t have any specific choice in my mind right now. Thanks a lot for my brother’s choice of TV show.
thinking — about my Shopee cart. I don’t know whether I should wait or just check out my things there. Of course not a problem because it’s just some daily wears, skincare and bodycare stuff and some makeup stuff too. But yeah, I think I need to check out my daily wears. Others can wait.
smelling — my damp hair because it smells good. I’m done with my hair routine from shampoo and conditioner, hair mask, and hair serum.
wishing — my hair grows faster and faster. No matter how much I love short hair cut, I’d still wish my hair could grow fast so that I can have my long hair again.
hoping — I can put more effort into this blog, from the posts, reply on comments that my readers left on the posts, blogwalking and so on. Maybe it might be tired a bit, but totally worth it.
wearing — short sleeve pink shirt with black palazzo. So comfy because this palazzo just suit me very well, not so wide.
wanting — another glass of orange juice. Normally, I always choose coffee, the hot ones over the others but today I changed my mind to drink an orange juice. Orange is a good too. But coffee is better. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
needing — clean out my emails that I received. There’s a lot of it. Sometimes I thought this is what a real messed up. There one more thing, my blog draft. Almost hundred of unpublished blog posts. What a shame.
feeling — little bit exhausted and sleepy. Gonna get some sleep and rest.
Credit to siddathornton